Manual ventilation is performed when clinical signs suggest that there are breathing issues.
Draining the stoma bag and cleaning the stoma site
We can help you hook up and unhook your ventilator, change and clean your filters and tubes, and find and fix problems with your ventilator.
We may help you change your inner cannula and take care of your stoma site as part of a full tracheostomy change.
This means that you sometimes have to use a catheter, take care of your suprapubic location and catheter, and know how to find and treat urinary tract infections.
Using cylinders or condensers to help deliver oxygen by nasal cannula, face mask, tracheostomy, or tracheotomy. Detecting signs of oxygen deficiency, like cyanosis, and helping deliver oxygen
We provide 24-hour care packages to clients that require this degree of help. Both adults and children are cared for in their own homes.
This care can be offered in shifts by a team of specialists if waking nights are necessary, or on a live-in basis, depending on the scenario. Our Clinical Nurse Managers will work with you and your family to come up with a plan of care that meets your needs and wants.